Penis enlargement has become on the mind of a high percentage of today's men. What is rather interesting about this is that there are tens of methods throughout which you can enlarge your penis. Penis enlargement exercises, penis pills, penis pumps, surgical procedures and self hypnosis are amongst the most common methods of penis enlargement used nowadays. But, did you ever think that you can enlarge your penis by just having sex?
The most interesting thing about the penis is that it is composed of highly elastic tissue. Vascular spaces inside the penile shaft, known as corpora cavernosa, get filled with blood and cause the manhood to erect. Research have concluded that stretching the penis and squeezing it (jelqing) constantly for long periods can cause the corpora cavernosa vascular spaces to increase in size and number; thus, leading to an increase in the length and girth of the penis.
Some sexual positions can induce stretching and squeezing of the penis in a way that induces enlargement of your size. Sexual positions with the deepest penetration, such as the knee chest position, should be practiced more, if you are after a bigger penis.
On the upper surface of the manhood, there's a ligament that is called the suspensory ligament of the penis. In most men, the suspensory ligament slightly resists moving the penis downwards so that the head of the penis would point forwards. Sexual positions during which thrusting occurs, when the penis is perpendicular to the axis of the body, can elongate the suspensory ligament; hence, increasing the length of the penis.
Get A Penis Size Bigger
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